El diario de una doble vida

¡Sí, soy gay! Aunque muchos lo ignoren...

Thought of the day July 1 Part II

To change the topic; on Sunday I attended a blood donation campaign as a part of our project of a graffiti about blood donation. It was my first time giving blood. I was a little scared but once I had the needle in my arm all that fear turned into excitement. With my blood, I’ll give life to other people. It’s incredible that it’s so easy and almost nobody does it. In fifteen minutes you can save someone. Blood is the only substance that can’t be fabricated in a lab. Only the human body is capable of making this ‘life elixir’. Many people think wrong about blood donation; they think that once you did it, you should continue donating because your body will make more blood than necessary; that’s a lie. Our body controls the volume of blood it needs. After you donate, in about eighteen hours blood’s volume will be normal again.

I emphasize on fact that blood donation will not make a difference in your organism, only in your soul. The feeling is simply awesome. Again, I can’t describe it. It’s like a huge happiness, sun shines, birds sing, everybody dances. When you see the bag coming bigger and red, you realize what you are doing. You feel something great growing inside of you. Also, after you made your little miracle you receive a snack: something sweet, a banana for the potassium, cookies and some juice.

Going ahead; nothing interesting happened. The next days were really boring. Saturday was my cousin’s birthday. When my aunt and I went to pick up the cake it wasn’t ready, it was not made at all. We had to walk from bakery to bakery looking for the superman cake. Of course, there were no superman cakes. At the end, we bought a plain cake and decorate it with a common sticker. All the matter about superman was because my little cousin (he is just four) was expecting a cake with a superman, not any other hero.

As I wrote, today is Tuesday; yesterday I talked with Geremy by text messages. We are to meet tomorrow (Wednesday) night. I finish my classes at ten p.m. we are hanging out that late because on Friday I must join my brother to a scholar trip, then, I have to go back home on Thursday. I don’t know what will happen on Wednesday; I just can expect the best. I hope this time I can fuck him too. I can’t wait for the moment when I have his dick into my mouth, feel his skin, kiss him all over. I don’t know if I’m falling in love, I hope I’m not… Before finish this Thought, I have to tell something else.

I checked Geremy’s hi5 profile. I found some pictures of him at the beach. In the description he wrote, he said those photos were taken by ‘the love of his life’, ‘who is not with him anymore because of life matters’. I don’t know what to think. The last time he told me he loves me, that he had to make a mistake to realize that he is deeply in love with me. What is he thinking? Does he think he can play with me? Tomorrow I will face him. I will ask about the pictures, I want and explanation. He can’t just say he’s in love with me if he’s still calling ‘the love of my life’ to his ex-boyfriend. What do you think?

I hope he tells me the truth. I can handle if he just wants me for sex, I guess…

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Soy Daniboy, por medio de este blog muestro un poquito sobre la dualidad de mi vida.Se acepta cualquier tipo de comentario, eso sí, están sujetos a censura en caso de que se considere necesario.Si ud tiene derechos legales sobre algún contenido publicado en este blog, por favor hágamelo saber para retirar dicho material.
¡Qué disfrute de este diario de doble vida!

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