El diario de una doble vida

¡Sí, soy gay! Aunque muchos lo ignoren...

Thought of the day July 22

Today is Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008. I don’t know what is going on with my life. I just have this mess in my mind. I can’t see the way out. On one hand, I’ve been thinking about quitting Informatics. On the other hand, Geremy is about to drive me crazy. I’ll start with my career’s dilemma, and then, I’ll write about my affair.

As you know, I have this great scholarship at one of the best private universities in the country. But, I’m not really happy with my career. These days I’ve been thinking about giving up. I can’t stand the fact that I have to sit in front of a screen all day long; I do not love computers, I think they’re really helpful but they’re not my favorite hobby all aver the world. I love politics. My dream is to become an outgoing politician, a great ambassador and diplomat. But, it’s not easy to get a job in the government; you have to meet the right people and be very patient.

Anyway, I thought that I should dare and leave informatics. But, I realized that everything happens for a reason; I don’t know the reason why I got the scholarship at that university, then, I should find it out before I can take a decision. For the moment, I’m staying in front of the screen, writing that fucking code (which does not respect orthography rules) and not sleeping at night.

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Soy Daniboy, por medio de este blog muestro un poquito sobre la dualidad de mi vida.Se acepta cualquier tipo de comentario, eso sí, están sujetos a censura en caso de que se considere necesario.Si ud tiene derechos legales sobre algún contenido publicado en este blog, por favor hágamelo saber para retirar dicho material.
¡Qué disfrute de este diario de doble vida!

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